Life as a gay sex slave

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I felt like I had nothing to lose by being honest about what I was into, and he was more than ready to open up as well. He was in his forties, very athletic, and had the perfect smile. He was my real life version of Daniel Craig. I have always been attracted to older men, older men like this one. Unlike all the other Sugar Daddies who are balding, gross, beer-bellied men soon to retire, this guy was HOT. I, being the 23-year-old college grad, single, and loving a good time, was more than eager to open up to this guy I met on there. It all started off with the basic texting after meeting on the site, and then of course talking about what we liked sexually was brought up. The shit we did was so much darker, but he was still just as fucked up.

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Fifty Shades of Grey is nothing in comparison. We met through that site, but we quickly took things into our own hands. This was not a Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby gig-no, no.

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Let me clarify by saying this was a willing relationship between the guy and me.

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